It is important for a college student to develop a good balance of playing and studying. However, sometimes it is difficult for a student to study in the dorm rooms. There are many ways to get around this, as there are many resources available for students - both on and off campus. Within the halls, there are study rooms that students can use if the rooms are too loud. However, some dorms have more of these than others. For example, Academic Village has two study rooms on the end of each hall. Westfall, however, only has three study rooms for the entire building. These are usually full at night, so it is recommended that students go to these early if they want to make use of the rooms. If these are full, there are many places to study outside of the dorms. The Morgan Library is a great place to study, as it is always quiet. In addition, there are many coffee shops off campus that are open late, such as Alleycat which is open 24/7. Regardless of how loud your hall mates are being, there is always somewhere to study, both on and off campus.
A study room in Academic Village.
The Alleycat.
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